


Cambridge Wrestling 3 Day  Takedown Camp

July 27, 28, 29



Ohio State All-American


Colt Sponseller:

US Senior Nationals Qualifier

NCAA D-1 All-American

3x Ohio State Champion,

2x Big Ten runner up,

3x NCAA National Qualifier

 2x University National Champ in Freestyle.


Camp will run


High School and Jr. High                                                Biddy Kids

    Fri. July 27th  4 - 6 pm                                                      Sat. July 28th  12 – 3    

   Sat. July 28th  4 - 6pm

   Sun. July 29th  10am - 12pm


Cost : $40.00  for High School and Jr. High

           $15.00  for Biddy

* Must pre-register by July 20th to receive a camp t-shirt

Contact Tank Moore 740-435-8616


Camp will take place at Cambridge H.S 1401 Deerpath Dr. Cambridge, OH. 43725




June 5th, 6th, and 7th, 2012
Bridge Street Middle School

A youth wrestling camp will be held June 5-7, 2012, in the gymnasium at Bridge Street Middle School in Wheeling, WV. The camp will be run by WLU coaches Brian Davis and Mitch Smith, and is open to any wrestler grades 1-8. The camp will is designed to teach younger, less experienced wrestlers the fund-amentals of wrestling.

Daily Schedule: 8:30 AM—Check-in (Tuesday only)
9:00-11:30 AM—Morning Session
11:30 AM-12:30 PM—Lunch
12:30 AM-3:00 PM—Afternoon Session

Morning/Afternoon Sessions:
Campers will be taught basic wrestling skills from the neutral, top, and bottom positions, and will learn drills to reinforce these skills. They will also be introduced to wrestling-specific games during these sessions. There will be limited live wrestling, which will be closely monitored by coaches. Participation in live wrestling will be optional for each camper.

Each camper will be responsible for bringing their own lunch. There will be pizza and drink available for a reasonable fee during lunch.

Cost: $75 for all three days, or $25 per day if a camper is not
attending all three days.

For more information: Call Brian Davis at (304) 336-8230 or email
him at bdavis2@westliberty.edu.

To pre-register for the camp, print out a copy of the registration form below, complete the form, and send it to:
Brian Davis
310 Faculty Drive
West Liberty, WV 26074

*Make checks payable to Brian Davis.

WLU Summer Youth Wrestling Camp Registration Form

Camper’s Name_________________________________________________________

Age_____________ Grade______________ Approximate Weight________________

Parent’s Name __________________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________


Emergency Phone Number (Primary) ________________________________________

Emergency Phone Number (Secondary) ______________________________________

Email Address ___________________________________________________________


By signing below, I hereby authorize the staff of the WLU Summer Youth Wrestling Camp to act accordingly in their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention. I also waive the camp staff, Bridge Street Middle School, and Ohio County Schools of any injuries incurred during, on the way to, or coming from camp.

Parent or Guardian Signature___________________________________________

Date _________________________





2012 Local Camps:

WLU Wrestling Camp June 24-28 Featuring Sanshiro Abe

WLU 2012 Camp Flier





When:  Monday, June 11th  &  Tuesday June 12th

Print Camp Flier Here:

Times:  Youth (K-4th Grade)-  10 am to Noon both days.

             5th-12th Grade-  10 am to Noon and 1 pm to 2:30 pm both days

Where: East Liverpool H.S.Gym, 100 Maine Blvd East Liverpool,OH 43920

*Cost:  $60.00 for K-4th Grade.

  $75.00 for 5th-12th Grade.

*Cost for East Liverpool wrestlers covered by boosters.

Questions?  Call East Liverpool Head Coach Chad Hager @ (330) 303-8187

About Coach Josh Moore:  Asst. Coach at Kent State University since 2004,

2X All American, and National runner-up for PSU, recently coached 7 NCAA National Qualifiers and MAC dual meet championship!

PRE-REGISTRATION:   (Encouraged, but not required- forms available at the event).

Make checks payable to: EAST LIVERPOOL TAKEDOWN CLUB, INC. 
Send to:  East Liverpool Takedown Club, Inc.

               c/o Wilma Williams, Treasurer

   822 Orchard Grove

   East Liverpool, OH 43920  

Print Name(s)_____________________________________ Age(s)___________ 
Birth Date(s)____________Address___________________________ _______ 
City__________________ State___________ Zip ____________________ 
Grade _____ Phone # ___________________ 
School represented ______________ Working Email _______________________ 
LIABILITY RELEASE:  I/we, the undersigned, individually and as a parent(s)/guardian(s) of________________________________  minor child/children, ask that he/ she be admitted to participate in the above “2 Day Commuter Camp with KSU Staff”. I/we do hereby agree to release, discharge and hold harmless the East Liverpool City School District, all camp clinicians including, but not limited to, Josh Moore, and any/all District Administrators or employees of all causes, liabilities, and damages, claims, or demands whatsoever on account of any injury or accident involving the said minor(s) arising out of the minor’s attendance at this wrestling camp or in the course of competition held in connection with this event.  
Campers Printed Name(s) & Date___________________________            ___________ 
Campers Signature(s) & Date _____________________________              ___________ 
Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) Printed Name(s) & Date: ______________________________________________________ ___________

Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) Signature(s) & Date: ______________________________________________________ ___________ 
NOTICE: A signed Emergency Medical Form must be on file at the camp prior to participation and may be filled out and signed by the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) on site!