
Jr. High

13th Annual Jr. High Flier

Click above for Jr. High Flier!


420 North 4th St  Steubenville, OH

Tournament Director: 
Sean Smith  

* Weigh In
Early-Saturday February 18, 2012
Time: 5:00pm-7:00pm
Sunday February 19 2012
Time: 7:00am-8:00am

Wrestling Start Time- 9:00am

*Weigh-In will be conducted in Singlets or T-shirt & shorts
No weight allowance for clothing


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More Info for state:




Ohio Athletic Committee Junior High Wrestling Rules
A wrestler must either reside in Ohio or attend an Ohio school. Home school students that reside in Ohio
are eligible.
A wrestler has Three (3) years of eligibility. They may compete once as a
6th grader, once as a 7th grader and once as an 8th grader. A wrestler is not permitted to compete
more than time per grade level. This does not pertain to Grade School eligibility.
Proof of age: Wrestler must provide Birth Certificate at District check in. Also
birth certificate must be provided upon request by the Tournament Director.
Freestyle type (low cut under the arm, back or chest) and T-shirt and shorts are illegal. A wrestler that
reports to the mat wearing either of these is penalized 1-point and the injury time clock is started. The
wrestler must be changed into a legal singlet or an approved 2-piece uniform before the end of injury-time
clock (1:30) or they must forfeit the match.
A Head Official Approved 2-piece wrestling uniform is legal
Headgear is mandatory. No match will take place without proper headgear for both wrestlers. A wrestler
that reports to the mat without a headgear is penalized 1-point and the injury time clock is started. The
wrestler must have a headgear before the end of injury time (1:30) or they must forfeit the match.
Securing of shoe strings by means of anything other than tying laces or fastening Velcro is not
Mouth piece for braces is not required.
Only Two (2) people are permitted in a wrestler’s corner. This may be any combination of
coach, videographer/photographer, statistician, parent or other but is limited to just Two (2)
individuals. Both must have a floor pass (coaching band).
Coaching from the side of the mat is not permitted. Anyone who does this will be issued a
warning for the first offense. Any other offense will result in a 1-point match penalty to the
coaches’ wrestler.
All wrestlers must weigh in wearing a singlet or shorts and shirt. They may not remove the
clothing in an attempt to make their registered weight class. No weight allowance is given for the
clothing. If the wrestler weighs more than their registered weight class, they can step off and
weigh in later as long as it is within the stated weigh-in times.
Districts = Scratch Weight (weight stated on entry form) Example; 80
State = Scratch +2 lbs. Example; 82
Jr. High State Weigh-Out = Scratch +3 lbs. Example; 83
Growth Allowance
- Growth allowance is the amount of weight that is given to a weight class to account for the
growth of a child.
Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) begins the wrestling season the first week of December
with the first Jr. High weight class as 80 lbs. After 3 weeks (December 25) the OHSAA adds 2 lbs. for a
growth allowance making the 80 lb. class now 82 lbs. The Ohio Athletic Committee (OAC) 7 weeks later
(District Tournament) adds 2 lbs. more for growth allowance making the 80 lb. weight class now 84 lbs.
This 84 lbs. is considered the OAC scratch weight. An additional 2 lbs. is added to this scratch weight for
the state tournament weigh-in to account for further growth and less practice time available for wrestlers
after the regular season has ended.
Weight Class
Weight classes listed are the maximum a wrestler can weigh to be in that particular weight class. They
are not weight ranges. Example 120, 126 does not mean they can weigh between 120 and 126 to be in the
120lbs. weight class. The most a wrestler can weigh to be considered in the 120lbs. class is 120.0. If they
weigh more than 120.0 and up to and including 126.0 lbs. they are considered in the 126 lbs. class.
Skin/Nail/Hair Check
All wrestlers must pass a skin, finger nail and hair inspection.
Finger Nails: Must be neatly trimmed and no sharp edges.
Skin: Must be free of any communicable disease. A wrestler that is undergoing treatment for a skin
condition must present a physician completed skin check form at skin check. The form cannot be dated
more than 10-days prior to the date of weigh-in.
Hair: During competition all wrestlers shall be clean shaven, with sideburns trimmed no lower than
earlobe level and hair trimmed and well groomed. The hair shall not extend below the top of an ordinary
shirt collar in the back; and on the sides, the hair shall not extend below earlobe level; in the front, the
hair shall not extend below the eyebrows. If an individual has hair longer than allowed by rule, it may be
braided or rolled if it is contained in a cover so that the hair rule is satisfied. The cover shall either be a
part of the headgear or worn under the headgear. The cover must be of a solid material and be
nonabrasive. The wrestler opting to wear a legal hair cover must bring it to the weigh-in procedure and be
checked for grooming.
District and State are Double Elimination tournaments however; it is possible to lose 2 matches
and still be alive in the placement rounds. Be certain to check with the head table before you
leave to see if you have another match.
Period Length
Championship rounds: Three (3) periods of 1:30
Consolation rounds: Three (3) periods of 1:00
When the match score is tie after regulation time, an over-time period is required. The period is 1:00 in
length and begins with wrestlers in the neutral position (on their feet). When either wrestler scores a
point or points, the match ends and the scoring wrestler is declared the winner. If neither wrestler scores
in the 1:00 period a second over-time period is required. The match official will flip a 2-sided disc (Red
on one side and Green on the other) with the winner of the flip (wrestler wearing the red or green anklet)
choosing the top (offensive position) or the bottom (defensive position); neutral is not an option. The
second over-time period is 30 seconds in length. If either wrestler scores a point or points, the match ends
with the scoring wrestler declared the winner. If neither wrestler scores, the wrestler in the top position is
awarded 1-point and declared the winner.
Technical-Fall is declared and the match ended when a wrestler gains a 15-point advantage.
Bout Sheet: The Coach of the winning wrestler must confirm the bout sheet at the table to make sure the
correct wrestler is declared the winner. This MUST be done by the COACH not the wrestler.
Flagrant Unsportsmanlike conduct
Wrestler: Any wrestler who is penalized for a flagrant unsportsmanlike conduct is ejected from the
event/tournament and may not compete for the remainder of the event. If this occurs in the placement
round of a tournament the wrestler does not receive an award. Placing wrestlers do not move up a
The offending wrestler is deemed ineligible for all future Ohio Athletic Committee events until the parent
or guardian of the offending wrestler submits a letter to the Ohio Athletic Committee requesting
reinstatement for the wrestler. The Ohio Athletic Committee Staff reviews the request and a written
response to the letter will be sent to the offending wrestler’s parent or guardian with the Ohio Athletic
Committee Staff’s decision.
Any Coach who is penalized for a flagrant unsportsmanlike conduct is ejected from the
event/tournament and may not Coach or be on the arena floor for the remainder of the event. This may
include removal from the premises if the action is deemed as necessary. The offending Coach is ineligible
for all future Ohio Athletic Committee events until a letter requesting reinstatement is sent to the Ohio
Athletic Committee and the Ohio Athletic Committee Staff reviews. For a first offense the period of
ineligibility may be up to 1 full year. A written response to the letter will be sent to the offending coach
with the Ohio Athletic Committee Staff’s decision. A second offense may result in a life-time ban from
Ohio Athletic Committee events.
State Qualifiers:
If you finish in the top 6 of your weight class, make certain you receive a form with State Tournament
Information when you receive your District award.
State Alternates:
If you finish 7th or 8th in your weight class, be certain to check with the head table before you leave; to
receive handout on how to compete at the state tournament as an alternate.
Challenges to Eligibility:
When there is a challenge of someone’s age, grade or residency eligibility, the challenging party must pay
a challenge fee of $35.00 (cash) to the tournament director before any challenge is heard. Once payment
is made, the challenging party must fill out a challenge form and submit it to the tournament Director. If
the challenge is ruled in favor of the challenging party, the fee is returned to the party that is challenging.
If the challenge is ruled in favor of the challenged party, the fee is deposited to the OAC College


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Welcome to OVAeC Wrestling

(Ohio Valley Athletic ex Coach) The purpose of this web site is to promote O.V.A.C. wrestling and the individuals that make it all possible. I don't proclaim to know everything about the
O.V.A.C.'s or wrestling, but I have coached in the O.V.A.C.'s for the past 8 years so I do have some knowledge of the sport, coaches and the wrestlers(2002).